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19 Watchers8 Deviations


1 min read
Eeee! I get to teach small children about yarn and where it comes from and why it's important over break! 
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The chatroom.

16 min read
Honeydewmelonsorbet and i made an OOC chatroom on MSPARP and invited a random RPer and this is how it went down.
i was gnomes. Honeydew was kitsune.

K: *fluffs up her tails* I'm fluffeh CX
ms: ssssssssssssh I want to watch that so bad
G: Okay, just fandom proving.
G: *probing
ms: *fluffs up her tail* shhh we both fluffeh
G: *fluffs up fabulous afro* we're all fluffy
G: *fluffeh
ms: imhm, gurrrl
ms: look at Sol,
ms: such grace
G: Guuuuuuuuurrrrrrlllll!
ms: much beauty
G: wow.
ms: so wow
ms: much wow very wow
G: Such impress.
G: Much majestic.
K: wow
ms: doge is lyfe
G: Yeshiva.
G: wtf autocorrect?
K: I liek shibe
G: I meant yesh.
G: What is shibe?
K: Shibe is doge
G: Oooooooooooh.
ms: its a breed of dog too
G: Much epiphany.
G: Such knowledge.
K: wow
K: I'm going to say wow everytime
ms: such wow
G: Off topic question (if doge counts as a topic) raise your hand if you ship Rosemary!
G: *raises hand*
ms: once my boyfriend was texting with horrible grammar and *raises hand* hell yeah
ms: I went
ms: such grammar
ms: much spelling
ms: wow
G: wow.
Kitsune's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Kitsune [K] joined chat.
G: It's fun to search the rosemary tag on tumblr.
G: Sometimes you get recipes.
ms: for what?
G: Sometimes you get inter species space lesbians.
G: Sometimes you can't tell the difference.
K: *is cold. puts a blanket in the dryer and snuggles in it*
ms: wow
G: And recipes for stuff with rosemary in it.
ms: awesoome
G: Best strategy for warmth ever kitsune.
ms: ever
K: What? Wanna join me? :3
G: Have you ever gotten a load of laundry out of the dryer, piled it on your bed, and burrowed in it?
ms: yes
G: And what do you mean join you?
G: *wonks suggestively*
ms: *wink wonk*
K: I am asexual. >:I Now get in here! *gets under the blanket*
G: *insert tumblr gif of Amy winehouse winking here*
G: And yes alex I know.
ms: SWIGGDY SWAG I AM THE BOOTY STAG! *jumps in pile*
G: Lol
K: ...the booty stag?
ms: such swig
ms: much stag
ms: wow
G: *pulls blanket full of you guys into pillow fort*
K: holy crap its my mount on widard101 XD
G: Wow.
ms: doesn't give the fucks
ms: I
ms: A
ms: M
ms: THE
K: hi roxy XD
K: pillow fort :D (Big Grin)
G: Eridan you are not welcome here.
G: * frantically writes wizard slash to insert*
K: *dies laughing*
G: Here it is: she gently caressed the llamas face.
ms: such llama
ms: much face
ms: so soft
K: much fluffeh
G: Ginny: now love, only a true love's kiss can bring you back.
G: Lamma: trembles
G: Ginny: furiously makes out with camel
ms: such smut
G: I meant Lamma
K: what
G: Lamma: turns into me
ms: much llamma lips
G: Hot gingerxafro sexy times ensue
ms: heheheheheehheheehheehhhuhuhuhhuhuhuhhhuhuhue
G: Suddenly the happy smexying couple are ambushed by a wild misune who films them
G: Making the hottest sex tape ever
G: They scar the asexual for life
G: Providing good pay for a therapist that will be desperately needed for her
ms: yes
G: The kitsune goes back in time to get revenge in the gnome by turning her into a llama before any of this happens
K: *she secretly watches from behind the closet doors,not giving a crap*
G: This backfires as spectacularly as you have seen in previous lines.
G: And so we coem full circle.
G: *come
ms: huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehhueehueee
G: Alex, come out of the closet dear.
G: You know it has a glass door.
G: We can all see you.
K: crap...
G: We know you're there.
K: uhh...covers self with that blanket she put in the dryer*
G: *pushes special random button and fills the closet with gnomes's paste ted
G: No I did not mean to hit enter!
ms: *floats around making vegetables* such veggies, much good
G: I meant: patented homo sparkles
G: How are you making vegetables?
K: *she opens the door and glitter goes everywhere*
G: Do you just like appearify them?

K: Im the nepeta in the family of vantases :I
G: Who am I?
ms: woww
K: your the kanaya in the family of *insert equius's last name here*
G: Zahhack
G: I think
K: Zahhak
K: ?
G: Btw, I just found my bag of syrup from that one time at the library.
ms: zahhak
G: Note for future reference: you cannot make bloodbaths with syrup.
K: *talks like nepeta now*
G: I meant blood oaths
G: My autocorrect worries me.
K: you can't do that either
ms: talks like Sollux everyday
ms: i feel like kanaya does take blood baths
G: Head cannon accepted
G: And why can't I take a bloodbath kitsune
G: What if it was the blood of our enemies?
G: And Cleopatra bathed in milk and sometimes cum.
G: So really, blood isn't all that odd.
G: Or syrup.
G: Blood just isn't sanitary.
K: ...what
G: A syrup bath actually sounds nice.
G: Like being cuddled by sugar.
G: *daydreams*
K: O_O you high?
G: .......noooooo?
ms: maaaaaaaayybeee
K: o_o
ms: huehuehuehuehue
K: o_o your high.
G: No darling.
G: There is a difference between high and drunk.
G: More specifically drunk off the stolen life force of my victims.
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
K: Misumi. You are needed in the circus rp. ))
K: what did I put brackets around that?
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
G: I'm back.
misumi's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
K: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
K: mind sir mind'
G: No. Mime fuck.
K: ...have little face painted silent babies?
G: I wanna see if that's defined on urban dictionary.
G: Brb.
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
G: No it is not.
G: Mime fuckery is though.
G: Annpd no we would not have little face painted babies.
G: We would use protection.
G: *and
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
G: Just googled it though. Some female mimes are attractive.
G: Much more so than panda dick
K: o_o
G: That's the new attractiveness scale.
G: On a scale of panda dick to female mime how hot is it?
G: I'd say about ginger koala.
G: I need help.
K: say kitten anthro in a lolita dress
K: yeah so do i

G: What would you dooooooo for a Klondike bar?
K: nothing. I don't like them
G: I've never had one.
G: What would you dooooo for your preferred ice cream sandwich in a time of craving?
K: ...things
G: Sexy wizard things?
G: *smexy
K: worse
misumi [ms] joined chat.
G: On a scale of panda dick to female mime how hit would the things be?
G: *hot
ms: sorry I went brb
G: *misumi
G: It's okay.
ms: thank you
G: We were just discussing what we would do for our preferred ice cream sandwich in a time of craving.
G: And on an invented scale of panda dick (not hot at all) to female mime (at least slightly smexy) how hit they would be.
G: We need help.
ms: hmmmm
K: *watching don't hug me I'mm scared*
G: I would eat chocolate.
ms: I think, loki
ms: green is not a creative color
K: :3
G: Timely wifey?
G: *timey wimey
G: wtf autocorrect
K: now lets all agree. to never be creative again
G: Always be creative!
G: This is jade.
G: Not green.
ms: I know :3
G: Did you see the 50th anniversary special?
G: Do you think you can get on tumblr in jail?

G: Where did you go????
Gnomes [G] disconnected.
K: lnety;vaenutuldctgengtkwa
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.

G: I thought of a fourth movie.
ms: djdudjdjjdd
ms: *flails and flips table the puts it back in place carefully*
K: *flips the table back over and walks out*
G: The children's special: how the magic of gnomes' dong cancelled out the berg existence of disgusting panda cock.
ms: bitches be flippin'
G: Making children and senpai kits use everywhere be cray
G: And buttwreaths exploded from an inter dimensional portal
K: *dies laighingz*
G: A true story.
ms: pffft I love you guys this is the best
K: Meet Karkat and John.
G: We love you too *internet hug*
K: *hugs*
G: I'm the kk.
ms: *hugs everyone like hagrid*
G: Master has given Dobby a sock!
ms: I am a wwhite wwizard
K: no your the purple wizard
ms: Dobby is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
G: *music plays to montage of Dobby with eagle wings flying around hogwarts*

K: are you the theif of heart? Because you've stolen mine
K: X3
G: Are you the witch of space?
G: Because suddenly, my pants feel smaller.
ms: you have captured my heart
ms: *captor
ms: heheheheehhe
G: And if I'm the thief of heart, you're the thief of butts.
G: Captor acting.
G: dmmit autocorrect!
G: Captorvating.
K: pfft. were all strange here X3
G: Captorbating.
ms: wait what
ms: *thinks of Sollux doing the do on his own*
K: Oh sol youre so captorvating
G: tho are you ED.
G: *sloppy yaoi make outs surrounded by glitter and sugoi*
K: yes
ms: much sugoi
G: *MLP theme plays*
ms: such glitter
ms: wow
G: Suddenly a wild dirk appears!
K: *does the rose thing that always happens in OHHC*
G: He joins in.
G: Then jake turns up and banishes sol and ed for stealing his man.
ms: Vantastic
G: Lol
G: Then jake punishes dirk for cheating
G: *suggestively wonks*
G: Kitsuen sits awkwardly in the asexual corner.
G: *kitsune
ms: by throwing away his anime and mlp collection
G: *gasp* the horror!
G: How dare you even suggest such a thing!
G: *swoons*
ms: or hiding it
G: Better.
G: And so dirk embarked on the epic quest.
K: All of a sudden Jade and Rose appear out of nowwere and start makin on eachother (I blame an eriden fanfiction on youtube)
ms: *secretly burns it all * ♦3♦ huehuehuehue
G: *slaps rose* stop cheating on Kanaynay!
G: Misune!
ms: what I'm cold
G: You cheeky dickwaffle!
K: *Jade than starts making out with Gamzee*

ms: huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehueheueheuehheeueheheuehey
ms: 0u0
K: *yells something about pedobear and runs away*
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
G: *stabs pedi ear looming in the distance* there. It's safe now. You can come back.
G: Egyilasrjyaseyu,fghas,yefgyj,sardahjrrbj,sdrbfy,ghasrvbhrjbhjrbgjrjhwghgbwhrfjbwrfjhfwhjr
G: Bssbrvhbvjberjejhfwrfbhjwrbfhjwrbfhjerbhfjhwrfbhwjrfbhjwfhjwrfbhjfhsd
G: One, imagine that to mituna's gallop.
G: Pssssst.....does anyone know how to graph standard form equations?
ms: ppfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
ms: nope 0u0
ms: *freshman status*
K: how should I know? You have the highest math class :I
G: *voice slowly fading into distance* I'm
G: Jk.
G: Freshman in high school?
ms: imhm
K: Oh.
G: What does IMHO mean?
G: imhm
ms: the sound someone makes that's sounds like a short yes
ms: pronounced
G: Oh. Okay thanks.
ms: mmmmmmmhmmmmmm
G: I thought you were a different age.
G: Not sure what age, but a different one.
ms: I am billion
K: *falls over*
ms: and 14
K: *randomly*
ms: actually 15
G: I am over 9000
K: Im 9001 :I
ms: did you just.....
ms: yes *hugs you tight
G: *shoots kitsune* HEADSHOT!
G: *cries softly over math homework*
ms: octopimp status *nepimpeta*
G: Best ever.
G: *kneels down and prays* dear lord and savior Beyoncé. Please please let it snow.
ms: cat nip bitches ! *its snows cat nip*
G: I know I'm not supposed to bargain with god but......
K: OwO
K: *gets high with my cats*
G: If you make it snow I'll start a single ladies flash mob.
ms: *black guy voice* Hell Yeah
G: No! Stop, it is not pedobear!
G: It is our good friend Misumi.
G: *shoosh paps*
ms: no I am misumi pedobear lee
G: *dies*
K: Oh...misumi is a black guy?
ms: you are referring to my twin sister
G: This is a grave betrayal.
ms: no, I'm kidding
ms: but I am black
ms: and chinese
G: How could you not tell us you were pedobear!
ms: its a mindfuck my friends never forget
G: No it's not.
G: It's a mime fuck.
ms: huehuehuehuehuehue
G: Alex I thought of another movie.
K: O_O
ms: *rolls in equsol feels*
G: This one is a porno.
ms: *and solzee feels*
G: It's titled: multiple bitches get smoked by amazing gnome dick for being butts.
ms: *and solcest feels*
K: O_O
G: Starring my dick.
K: and the other two arent?
ms: *all Sollux ships feels*
K: four*
G: Costarring: buttwreaths and other miscellaneous butts.
ms: tenticale porn was created because a man could jot draw a penis
G: And yes, all of them starred my dick.
ms: *not
G: But this one is special.
G: My dick is becoming its own person.
K: Gnomes. Your a girl.
G: It's just a giant floating dick impaling bitches left and right.
G: Nah uh.
K: O_O
G: Yesterday you said you decided I was a dude.
K: when?
G: This is my form of revenge.
G: Yesterday, you said I was a dude.
ms: did dick
G: Urging supernaturalstuck.
G: *during
ms: fuck yes I love that
G: Kitsune is the one who started supernaturalsruck.
ms: sounded sexual in my head
G: *slow, reverent clap*
G: Pssssssst....
G: While she's idle, wanna create an arsenal of dick movies?
G: I mean the titles of them.
G: Not, like, make porn.
G: The next movie in the series is a sex ed movie.
G: 60's style baby.
G: Titled: jerry loses his virginity.
G: Where we learn about safe gay sex.
K: Im still here
G: Damn it!
G: Next in the sex ed series: how to cast homemade dildos.
ms: I'm still here too
G: Comes with a kit.
ms: wtelf
G: Including a scale model of my dick.
G: And a guide to strap ins.
G: Brb got to clean stuff up
ms: its cum isn't it
ms: I mean
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
K: O_O
ms: I didn't say anythin
K: you pervs. you perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvs
ms: I love you too senpai
K: please notice me sempai!
ms: you notice kitsune
ms: I am your senpai
ms: *sempai
K: :I
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
G: No actually.
G: My dad broke some dishes in the kitchen and I needed to clean it up while he got the glass out of his foot.
G: You sick fuck.
K: *snikers*
G: *it's ironic song pkays*
G: *plays
ms: I am sorry it was a joke ;3;
G: i know.
ms: go burnam
G: That gives me the idea for another movie though.
ms: go burnham
ms: Bo burnham~~~
G: This time it's time travel sci fi.
G: The dick goes back in time to supply all the cum cleopatra will ever need.
G: Effectively freeing her "semen slaves" from a life of mandatory wanking.
K: Dafuq is wrong with you people
G: (The was seriously a thing she had. I'm not joking)
ms: dear god whuy
G: Everything is wrong with me alex.
G: If this is genuinely making you uncomfortable tell me.
G: I can't understand when people are unless they tell me.
G: Damn assbergers.
K: O_O
G: What?
K: nothing
ms: I'm okay I pretend to be uncomfortable so my swag levels don't call to the bitches what the fuck am I saying I don't have swag
G: If you don't stop me now if you're uncomfortable there is a possibility if more sequels.
G: Kay cool.
K: Nah. Its fine bro
G: Next I the series: the god of dick teaches algebra!
G: Except, plot twist, the god of dick doesn't know shit and is still crying over its own math homework.
G: Don't lie kids!
G: Rated ages 3 and up.
G: * eternally facepalms*

ms: I must go my beauties
ms: I love you all
ms: smooches
G: Awwwwwwww
Gnomes [G] disconnected.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
K: bye :<
G: We should do this again sometime!
ms: I shall be back!
G: Okay.
ms: and yeah
K: :D (Big Grin)
G: Byeeeee!
ms: well to marrow, tomorrow there's always tomorrow ~
ms: you're only a day away~
ms: *kisses you all* bye lovlies!
G: Unless the apocalypse happens
G: Bye!
K: :<
ms: then goodbye if it does, I'm glad I spent these moments with you
G: Me too.
misumi's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
Gnomes [G] disconnected.
Gnomes [G] joined chat.
G: You still there kitsu e?
K: Yup
G: Cool.
G: I have another movie.
K: oh god no
G: Memoirs of a dick: memories of condoms gone by and erections to cum
G: See what I did there?
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(a) sexual (2011)
a documentary on asexuality.
it's on netflix but here's the link for the hulu version.
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1 min read
I am watching an anime that has the main protagonist as an attractive teenage girl who is an alien and fights the forces of evil whilst forcefully moving in with a boy she rescues. She is also Cthulu. Long story short I have an awkward crush on Cthulu.

There is also a fire being who is a girl with red hair who apparently likes Nyaruko, a.k.a. Cthulu. 

The boy's lusus is a deity hunter.

A wind god also moves in,

I am addicted.

The anime is called Haiyore Nyaruko-San.
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1 min read
I am watching an anime that has the main protagonist as an attractive teenage girl who is an alien and fights the forces of evil whilst forcefully moving in with a boy she rescues. She is also Cthulu. Long story short I have an awkward crush on Cthulu.

There is also a fire being who is a girl with red hair who apparently likes Nyaruko, a.k.a. Cthulu. 

The boy's lusus is a deity hunter.

A wind god also moves in,

I am addicted.

The anime is called Haiyore Nyaruko-San.
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Library by gnomesandunicorns, journal

The chatroom. by gnomesandunicorns, journal

Awesome Documentary! by gnomesandunicorns, journal

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